
Mr Listy

Fatts and Karlos first stumbled across the illusive Mr Listy living in a cave while on tour in the the islands of the south pacific, he was initially given the name Alan due to his real name being a series of unpronounceable clicks and other throat noises, although now is more commonly called Mr Listy.

Due to an unknown childhood trauma, Listy took comfort tapping out beats on driftwood he found on the shore and although it was rarely in time, Fatts and Karlos recognised his hidden talent and decided to send him back to Blighty to nurture his skills.

Once in England it didn't take Listy long to master his rhythmic abilities and he soon found himself moving on to jam sessions with the likes of Damon Albarn from Blur. However his hedonistic lifestyle soon took it's toll on this primitive cave dweller and these day's Mr Listy is rarely seen. We heard a rumour though that he kayaked back to that island but had to burn his Ca'jon for warmth. We also hear that when the climate on his island improves he intends to construct some bongo's. Fatt's and Karlos one day hope to return to that island and bring Mr Listy home.
